Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Professional reflection and Reflection on Volunteer hours (1)

Professional reflection and Reflection on Volunteer hours (1)

Q 1. How good is the fit of social work (or other counseling field) as a career for you? In what ways is social work (or other counseling field) a ‘good’ fit? In what ways is social work (or other counseling field) a ‘poor’ fit? What especially attracts you to the profession? What deters you?2. What area of practice is of interest to you and why?3. What strengths (knowledge, skills, and values) do you bring to the profession? How will you build on them?4. What deficits (knowledge, skills, and values) do you bring to the profession? How will you address them?5. Based on the area of practice of interest to you – where do you see yourself in 10 year? How do you want to make a difference?

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As per my understanding social work or any other counselling field as a career is good for me because I have active interest in helping people who have some or the other type of problems. In the society we still have many issues which are based on the socio-economic aspects, psychological aspects, basic amenities aspect. By this I mean that the scope of social work as a career is huge and thus it is a good fit for me. It is also a good fit because I am passionate about working with people. I love meeting new people and interact with them. I also have good communication and public relations skills which are very crucial in this field.